Visualising organisational issues

The evaluation of a project, the or a team analysis lend themselves for an elaborate visualization through illustrations. In such a conference the participants interfere actively in the drawing and in this way the discussion will be about the things that matter.

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Story boarding

From the opening coffee to the closing drink your conference will be recorded in numerous cartoons. Together these cartoons will make a story board of the conference: the visual report of the day will be ready for use in communications to other stakeholders.

Cartoons as a comment from the margin

As an interested observer I will record striking impressions of the content and the process. These can be presented at e.g. a cartoon wall or through a presentation.

Live cartooning

I will work with an overhead projector or beamer so you can see the cartoons come into being as they are being drawn. Suitable to stimulate the liveliness of conversation.

Visualisation during your conference

A picture is worth a thousand words. And words need images to reveal their meaning! Complex processes are very suitable for the use of cartoons. In this way the indiscussible will become discussible. The subconscious of an organization will be revealed. New perspectives will present themselves. Humor will put things in a different perspective. As an organisational cartoonist I can contribute to the success of your conference, scenario meeting or team session. Also a proposed change process can be represented by means of a story board. After conferences the cartoons have also proven to be useful in reports on websites and in documents.